Resort Review - Heavenly
Heavenly is a popular mountain resort based in South Lake Tahoe. You can stay at a Hotel/Casino right on the boarder of Nevada/California and walk down the street to the Gondola. It is a super fun place to shred and super convenient to get to.
Pros: Convenience/Location, Terrain, Views, Tree Runs
Cons: Flat spots, Terrain Park
Heavenly is an awesome place to enjoy a day of skiing or riding. They have so much terrain, especially on a powder day. One of the coolest things about Heavenly is that it is located in two states. You can ski/ride from California to Nevada and vise versa multiple times in the same day. However, it can be difficult to explore all there is to offer on the same day, partially due to the size of the ski area and partially due to the numerous flat areas scattered throughout the resort.
The photo above shows one of the many flat runs at Heavenly. It really isn't a bid deal unless you are trying to explore the whole mountain. The thing to do is just pick one side, California or Nevada, and spend the whole day (or half the day) in that area. Transitioning from one area to the other can be taxing, but totally worth it if your goal is to see as much of the mountain as possible. The massive amount of terrain on both sides of the mountain is enough to keep you busy for multiple days. They have wide open groomed runs, ungroomed steeps, tons of tree runs, and everything in between. One thing I didn't come across was a full terrain park. This may have been because I visited the resort during an extreme winter with record breaking snowfall and it can be difficult to build a terrain park when it is snowing all the time. It also didn't really search for the park because I visited on a powder day and I was in the trees all day.
One of the absolute best things about Heavenly is the views and scenery. The views of Lake Tahoe and the surrounding mountains are absolutely amazing. This place has some of the best scenery of any ski resort I have ever visited, it is worth going just to get a glimpse of Lake Tahoe from 10,000 feet. I was also blow away by the tree runs and the vast terrain. There are so many places to get lost on a pow day and you will likely pop out right near a lift. If you are visiting Lake Tahoe in the winter, visiting Heavenly is a must. Just don't loose all your money at the black jack table before you buy a lift ticket.